Archive for February, 2006

9-5 Experiment Day 15!

Monday, February 13th, 2006

Okay so I cheated, sort of.  Well not really you see, on last Friday my landlord was coming over to fix some more stuff in my apartment.  (Well I know that you don’t normally see a landlord do this, but actually The landlord and his wife the landlady both run the place, he does like […]

Thousander Club Update

Monday, February 13th, 2006

3 more hours for a total of 25/1000
Not too bad eh?
I may not get back to my 9-5 experiment this week.  I’m still cleaning house essentially.  However this week i’ll split it with work.  about 4 hours of work during the day and 3 hours of house cleaning related stuff.  Then at night i’ll try […]

Thousander Club update.

Saturday, February 11th, 2006

welp let’s add 9 hours to those 13 that I did yesterday (Friday) for a total of, 22 hours out of 100
22/100 hours to date.

Enchanted Lands: 100 Hour Challenge Update #1

Thursday, February 9th, 2006

Welp I did find some time yesterday so I did get 2 hours of quality time in. I reconfigured the story a bit and this is what I came up with:
Take a magical vacation. Slay a dragon, rescue a princess, become a great and powerful wizard, or stay at one of our many fine magical […]

Thousander Club update

Thursday, February 9th, 2006

Today I just did about 2 more hours with the stuff i’m doing for DroidArena.
Total to date : 13 hours.
I realize i’ll have a bunch of little short posts like this, but it’s really the only way I can keep track of my hours, I can’t really be bothered with writing them down somewhere and […]

Thousander Club update! Whoo!

Thursday, February 9th, 2006

Welp got in 2 more hours for a total of, drumroll please, ELEVEN! whoo
11/1000 so far neat eh?
I also managed to get 2 hours in on my 100 hour challenge, but I will detail that later when I update enchanted lands.
I can’t guarantee alot of time because this week i’m cleaning house (literally). Next week […]

Results of today - zip, and a little bit of art ;-)

Monday, February 6th, 2006

Today I got my root canal and tooth filled in.  That was fun.  On a lighter note I managed to do this little bit of art based on a thread in the indiegamer dev forums.


Enchanted Lands : 100 hour challenge!

Saturday, February 4th, 2006

Okay I’ve decided to challenge myself. When thinking, discussing, and writing about Enchanted Lands I asked myself, how long should it realistically take to make an epic game such as this. Of course the answer is like years. Then I asked myself, well what takes so long, and the answer came to me ‘content’.
Yep, content. […]

The thousander club

Saturday, February 4th, 2006

Mr. Scott Hsu-Storaker - proposed a challenge in his blog post entiteld “The Road Ahead in Aught-Six”.  In this challenge he challenged people to work on something for 1000 hours.  I guess there was another article about practicing for 10000 to become an expert, and he figured that 1000 would still be enough to get […]

9-5 experiment day 14

Saturday, February 4th, 2006

Actual day 14, only got a couple of hours done.  So I guess I can add that to my whopping running total of 9 hours for the Thousander Club — I promise to get something working better on monday.