9-5 Experiment Day 15!

Okay so I cheated, sort of.  Well not really you see, on last Friday my landlord was coming over to fix some more stuff in my apartment.  (Well I know that you don’t normally see a landlord do this, but actually The landlord and his wife the landlady both run the place, he does like maintainance and stuff and she does like paperwork and what not, and I think their duties overlap a bit at times).

Anyways, I just wanted to get through some code for DroidArena, so I started on it, as soon as I was, i was into it, hours started getting later and later, and soon I was afraid i’d be in the shower when they came over to fix stuff.  So instead I stayed on and worked the old day from like 7-5.  That’s about 10 hours, but with a little break and lunch and stuff here and there and a few minutes shy of 5 o’clock, i only counted 9 hours for it.

Thus you have day 15 on friday the 10th.  I’m going to attempt to start day 16 tommorow, only a little different, as explained in the thousander club update (post just previous to this one).  I’ve still got housecleaning to do.  But I still have computer programming to do.  So i’ll program for 4 hours during the day.  i’ll catch on 3 hours from 9pm till midnight, and count that as a full 8 hour day.

To make sure you understand how i’m doing that remember when I said an 8 hour day is like work, you have a couple of breaks (at least on some union jobs) and a 30 minute lunch (some places it’s an hour, some places it’s shorter, 30 seems common to me, and a good number as I don’t have to rush to eat, and I don’t have gobs and gobs of time).  Anyway a good regular day job of 9-5 is usually about 7 hours of actual work time.  Thus if I do 7 hours or more, i’m in the clear.


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