Archive for January, 2006

9-5 Experiment Day 2

Wednesday, January 18th, 2006

Failure. You read it right. Day two would have been yesterday (Tuesday the 17th). Unfortunately I didn’t get up early enough to do my full schedule. So I counted it as a day off. In fact I’ll have more days off upcoming, especially when I get one of my teeth […]

The 9-5 Experiment 1st Day

Monday, January 16th, 2006

Well a quick note. I had to make two concessions in my regular “9-5″ day. Firstly, we watch alot of movies and as such go to our local library all the time. I can’t really get to the library on the weekends or evenings so I need to do it during my […]

The 9-5 experiment

Saturday, January 14th, 2006

In a thread I started on the indiegamer forums I posted a link to a news article about a company making their employees only work from 9-5 (only an 8 hour day) and not allowing them internet or games during their work day. Supposedly they hit every milestone and no one is overworked and […]

Technically saturday the 14th

Saturday, January 14th, 2006

However it’s still almost friday night to me ;-)
Basically I had alot of stuff I needed to get done this week but didn’t, so now I need to cram it all into this weekend.
I need to finish reading all the actual docs to the Scrolling Game Development Kit.
I need to finish “Chapter 2″ […]


Tuesday, January 10th, 2006

Finished all items in the list today (the 10th). Let’s see if I can do it again tommorow.

Learning C++ - A little funny story

Tuesday, January 10th, 2006

Okay there isn’t much i’ve done in this area. The goal by the end of the week (friday) is to have this madlibs style story working. The story in this post - Learning C++ is what i’m using. And I finally put it into the program that was referenced in this - […]

Enchanted Lands Resort - Final Overview

Tuesday, January 10th, 2006

Okay here it is. I finally decided on a story. Well it’s what I wrote before only this solves the problems of my previous stories being a little different. I’m going to reveal everything this game will have to offer including backstory and spoilers. I’ll indicate whether the post contains […]


Tuesday, January 10th, 2006

As stated before (at least I think I did). I’ll be using the Scrolling Game Developers Kit to prototype hypno-joe. Today’s list item was to read all the docs of it before going into the tutorial. I had planned on reading the tutorial first as well, and also read the scripting documentation […]

Phone Game

Tuesday, January 10th, 2006

Well I got done with what I needed to of that. Well enough to say i’m done and move on to another item of the “list”. Of course the successful indie mantra is “Do it now” which means if I have more I can just do, I should do it now. But […]

Plan for today

Tuesday, January 10th, 2006

Okay I don’t have much time but I figured I would write this down anyhow.
I have some phone game work to do.
I need to make a final decision on the main Enchanted Lands Story
I need to read the full docs to the Scrolling Game Development Kit
And I need to put that madlibs story into the […]