The 9-5 Experiment 1st Day

Well a quick note. I had to make two concessions in my regular “9-5″ day. Firstly, we watch alot of movies and as such go to our local library all the time. I can’t really get to the library on the weekends or evenings so I need to do it during my day. Well since my Day is supposed to start at 9, that means when I wake up at 6 I have 3 hours to do anything else I want. Well it’s filled easy enough. 1 hour for a shower. Granted it doesn’t take me a whole hour to take a shower, but it’s the first spot on my day so I drink some coffee wake up a bit, and then take a shower. The other two hours consists of cleaning house for an hour (I can’t believe i’m actually scheduling this in), the last is excercise, namely walking. A brisk 1 hour walk suits me fine these days. But in order to go to the library, I have to wait till either 10 or 11 for it to open. Well what I decided was I could clean earlier and walk later. In fact I decided to schedule these extra hours around my 15 minute breaks. Which turns out to be more like an 1hr 15 minute break. of course for an hour i’m either cleaning or walking. It still doesn’t cut into my day because I start two hours earlier, and it has an effect of keeping not so bored with work when I have large “breaks” even if i’m doing something constructive.

Okay so one concession is my day starts at 7 and still ends at 5, but i still get my normal time in. The other concession is I keep my instant messenger/irc client open. I’m using trillian which means i don’t have multiple programs. I have a channel on Starchat called #GameDevelopers so i’m automatically logged in to there. Nice thing about that is rarely do people talk in my channel, if they do it’s usually interesting, intelligent, and mature conversation. (note I said mature not adult - meaning we don’t get vulgar or obscene). Most of the time people are two busy making games to talk, which suits me just fine. I need AIM and Yahoo IM up (via trillian) so I can keep in contact with people I work with. I don’t usually chat for chat’s sake so that’s cool. I did answer emails as they came up because i’ll get daily “work” related emails. I don’t do alot of emailing outside of work related stuff.

All-in-All the 9-5 day proved successful. I hope to have more success tommorow. Today I got a build of the phone game in. Tomorrow I need something else to keep me busy.


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