Archive for the 'Time Management' Category

9-5 Experiment Day 2

Wednesday, January 18th, 2006

Failure. You read it right. Day two would have been yesterday (Tuesday the 17th). Unfortunately I didn’t get up early enough to do my full schedule. So I counted it as a day off. In fact I’ll have more days off upcoming, especially when I get one of my teeth […]

The 9-5 Experiment 1st Day

Monday, January 16th, 2006

Well a quick note. I had to make two concessions in my regular “9-5″ day. Firstly, we watch alot of movies and as such go to our local library all the time. I can’t really get to the library on the weekends or evenings so I need to do it during my […]

The 9-5 experiment

Saturday, January 14th, 2006

In a thread I started on the indiegamer forums I posted a link to a news article about a company making their employees only work from 9-5 (only an 8 hour day) and not allowing them internet or games during their work day. Supposedly they hit every milestone and no one is overworked and […]