Enchanted Lands: 100 Hour Challenge Update #5

Welp this is great. Okay i’ll reveal more of the characters and such in a later post.

Firstly i’m done with the character bios. I think i’ll need to return and do the NPC bios at one point (maybe not so lengthy though because they only serve the main characters and story). And i’m done with the major plot lines of the main playable characters (the good guys). To note though there’s a difference between regular npc’s and evil main character npc’s. Remember originally I was going to allow you to play the bad guys, but still the bad guys lose — You were just going to be able to interact with them. However I thought that possibly there would be no mystery left in the game and thus wouldn’t make for an interesting experience so I decided to not allow you to play the bad guys. But they will have their own plot lines like the major good characters. So if I say ENPC - evil non-player characters you’ll know what i’m talking about verses NPC’s.

Okay so essentially I did about 11 hours worth on the character bios - which left 8 and 4 hours on the plotlines. So far i’ve only scratched about 20 hours total. So it’s looking good, I may complete the challenge!
Previously: Enchanted Lands: 100 Hour Challenge Update #4


One Response to “Enchanted Lands: 100 Hour Challenge Update #5”

  1. I’ll do it on monday! » Blog Archive » Back on [Enchanted] track! Says:

    […] Previously:Enchanted Lands: 100 Hour Challenge Update #5 […]