Enchanted Lands: 100 Hour Challenge Update #4

Well this is sort of an update to the challenge and to the whole progress thing. I hope I have some readers left that can give me some hints.

Firstly i’ve done 4 more hours on character bios, and I have only one character left, as far as writing it concerned.

Okay basically my Dad doesn’t think I should be posting everything in my story in my blog. There may be one of you that likes it, however it got me to thinking. In a book about writing screenplay’s I just read, it suggested not to discuss your screenplay in social settings. Reason being that someone may just pick up on the idea and not even remember where they heard it. I do realize people aren’t just going to pick up my good ideas to steal them, that’s not really how people act. However you ever “make up” a song only to find out you’ve been humming a tune you’ve been listening to all along? It’s sort of like that. If someone else likes the idea and incorperates it as their own then they’ve just stolen your idea, only problem is you can’t prove that in court, and they didn’t conciously steal it anyways. So it’s just your own nievety thinking that no one would use your idea.

So the question is, should I start being a little more tight-lipped about the details of my adventure game. If I spend a year making this thing, only to find someone else has done my exact idea and worse has done it better, then I just wasted a year and have nothing for my efforts. Or should I continue to spill my guts (not that I have at any rate)…

Previously: Enchanted Lands: 100 Hour Challenge Update #3


3 Responses to “Enchanted Lands: 100 Hour Challenge Update #4”

  1. mahlzeit Says:

    If I was some Hollywood executive I would already have hired someone to write a screenplay on your “high concept idea”: the idea of this magical resort that’s actually a real magical kingdom but none of the visitors know about that (or whatever it exactly turns out to be).

    It’s a great premise for a fantasy adventure, unique (as far as I know) and interesting. The rest of your story — the characters, the plot, etc — I wouldn’t care less about (unless it was *very* good), because I would already be paying a writer to come up with that.

    So it seems to me you have already given away the most important part of your story. That’s what people would “steal”, not any of the other stuff.

    Besides, letting people in on the story early sounds like a great marketing tool. It builds up anticipation for your product.

  2. Uhfgood Says:

    Hmm yeah the whole premise. I could remove it all now if I wished. Also my goal was to actually let people know the details of the story, since I figured only developers would be looking at my blog. In other words what’s going to happen, instead of being a surprise or anything…

    As far as the marketing tool, that’s what the plan was. Mostly to get a few people interested.

    Of course professional companies don’t give everything away.


  3. I’ll do it on monday! » Blog Archive » Enchanted Lands: 100 Hour Challenge Update #5 Says:

    […] I’ll do it on monday! Keith Weatherby II’s independent game development blog. « Enchanted Lands: 100 Hour Challenge Update #4 […]