Time Management struggles

So implementing lists isn’t so hard to do.  It’s not perfect but it works.  Each morning I modify my todo list based on the project and tasks lists, then when done for the day if there is no more steps I remove it from the todo, if there are more steps I just remove the step I did that day.  Once the project is finished, it goes off the projects list.  The tasks list should never be empty, but may change as my interests change.  We’ll see if this keeps me more organized and completing projects.
Welp I guess I can add 10 hours to my thousander club total.  Since i’ve been working on my Enchanted lands 100 hour challenge, i’m meeting the goals.  I haven’t really kept track on how many hours otherwise I spend.  So now we’re up to 160…

160/1000 hours for the thousander club.


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