Enchanted Lands: 100 Hour Challenge Update #3

This is going to be brief. I managed 5 hours on the challange writing up bios for 6 of the main characters (good guys).

I’m thinking what i’ll do is limit each to the 19 hours — essentially I spent an extra hour one day catching up, so that’s 5 hours off the challenge, and 95 left, that’s 19 for 5 areas.

These areas are Characters, Stories, Maps, Puzzles, and Implementation.

So what I decided on is that i’d work till I was done or until 19 hours is up, whatever comes first. Then move on to the next thing. I’ll tally up the hours left (before implementation) that I didn’t use, and go back and try to finish up on the stuff I missed. Should work out I hope.

Previously: Enchanted Lands: Main Story


One Response to “Enchanted Lands: 100 Hour Challenge Update #3”

  1. I’ll do it on monday! » Blog Archive » Enchanted Lands: 100 Hour Challenge Update #4 Says:

    […] I’ll do it on monday! Keith Weatherby II’s independent game development blog. « Enchanted Lands: 100 Hour Challenge Update #3 […]