Time Management struggles

Welp, I managed to get about 5 hours done brining my total too hmm… 150 hours

I’m starting to semi-adapt the principles in David Allen’s, Getting Things Done with my todo lists.  Starting with writing everything I am working on.  And writing down next actionable steps.  However they’re not stuff that can necesserily be done in 2 minutes as stated in the book.  Not only that but I haven’t written down every single thing.

I plan to do 3 lists.  My todo list is things I need to work on every day, by doing one item from each project or area.  A daily task list would be needed for stuff I do every day that I need to remember to put on my todo list, like showering for instance - and no I don’t forget to shower, however, in an effort to stay organized going to put down stuff I do every day so I can put it on my list.  Final list should be my projects list.  These are the major projects (like a game i’m doing or whatever) and I probably won’t put steps on it because that’s supposed to happen in my daily to-do.  In fact each morning i’m supposed to get up and work on arranging my lists.  The three lists should be sufficient.

For stuff like a project i’m going to do every day until something major stops it, i think i’ll add it to my daily task list.  Such as Cleaning.  I have the apartment seperated into areas which I need to tick off my todo list, but then once it’s done i need to do it again.  So it probably needs to be on my daily tasks.

So for thousander club members



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