Time Management Struggles - ATTN: Thousander Club Members

Okay now i’ve got your attention, i’m going to be doing this a little different in the future.  I’m going to combine my 9-5 experiment and thousander club updates into the the same post under the title “Time Management Struggles”.  In any case if you wanted to read how i’m doing in the thousander club you can find it under here.

Okay first thing 9-5 experiment update : Today’s a success only I did it differently.  Today I worked from 6 - 2 for 8 hours so I consider that a success, which relates to my thousander club stuff.

Thousander club update :

I did alright on my 8 hour day however I feel I probably wasted an hour, mostly because I was up a bit late last night, so it took me 10 minutes to get going on the computer.  Then I ate lunch and sort of slept through a little bit of it.  I may not have wasted a full hour but i’m only going to count 7 hours in the T-club.  so that makes it 133 hours.



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