Enchanted Lands Resort - Design progression.

Well I was talking to some guys on irc about adventure game design. The one guy I was talking to came up with a list of things to work on, and I sort of revised it. Here’s my progression:

So essentially Story, Characters, Puzzles, Inventory, Dialog, then visually, background and character design, background art and character animations, sound effects and music, and finally scripting to put it all together.

Essentially i’m working on the story part and characters. I’ve already settled on a few characters which I may mention at a later date. But I wanted to talk about something i’ve wanted to do every since I played Maniac Mansion 2 : Day of the Tentacle (or DOTT as it’s affectionately known), multiple player characters. In rpg’s you sometimes have a whole team of characters who venture out with you. My idea is to do it more like DOTT, each PC has their own story to tell which supports the main story. You’ll get to switch inbetween characters, and possibly use their stories to help you out on your own (ie the main player character).

I’m also planning to have a highlighting system on things you can interactive with - if it doesn’t light up you can’t do anything with it, so it will possibly help with pixel-hunting, and all too common problem of point’n'clicks in the past.

Your thoughts?

Previously: Enchanted Lands Magical Resort


3 Responses to “Enchanted Lands Resort - Design progression.”

  1. Uhfgood’s great and powerful blog! » Blog Archive » Plan for today (almost over). Says:

    […] Enchanted Lands Resort. Well I think based on the progression I outlined in Enchanted Lands Resort - Design progression. I need to make some progress on the story. So i’ve got a basic premise as mentioned in Enchanted Lands Magical Resort. But now I need to flesh it out more. I already have characters thought up too. So i’ll try to start developing each of their character stories (as you will be playing multiple characters throughout the course of the game). So I guess all this junk really boils down to, the main characters journey. I’m building the game in such a way as each of the plot points is setup like a movie screenplay. Where each point is a cut scene, and where the puzzles are used to get from point-to-point. I like to refer to it as the “string of pearls” story configuration. Where each “pearl” is a non-linear interactive part and the “string” that connects it is the plot points. So by the end of today I should have the plot points figured out for our main story and main character. […]

  2. Uhfgood’s great and powerful blog! » Blog Archive » Enchanted Lands Resort - Design Magic? Says:

    […] Previously: Enchanted Lands Resort - Design progression. […]

  3. Uhfgood’s great and powerful blog! » Blog Archive » Enchanted Lands : No real progress today. Says:

    […] Previously: Enchanted Lands Resort - Design progression. […]