Starcatcher the NEXT iteration

Well after discussing with a few people, I decided to add a few graphics. Probably what will be closer to the finished game (yes blocky for that retro look). In any case I made some tweaks. The gameplay is the same as the last time you played, only this time it has graphics :-) — In any case, you can use the mouse to rotate the ship, you can also use ‘wasd’ keys for move/rotation, you can also use the mouse buttons to move forward or backward (left and right mouse buttons). The usual arrow keys will work as they have been, so if you’re used to it, i’d go ahead and use that. This mouse stuff and wasd is a pain in my opinion, but I wanted to try it out.

Click the image below to download. Play it at your own risk. While all attempts have been made to assure that this software is safe, don’t ever assume so. Please virus check any and all new programs you download.

Starcatcher but better!


Update : The mouse in this one is a little jerky. I had uploaded it to get some help on the mouse stuff, and the mouse control is almost fixed. If you haven’t downloaded it as of Tuesday October 17th, 2006 then don’t worry about it until I get the next version up. Thank you.

Newer update: Well I got the mouse stuff working agian, but still doesn’t seem right.  You can’t rotate the mouse if you’re holding down one of the mouse buttons.  Turning should be better now.  But i’m going to use this to decide if I’m going to keep mouse input.  Please download again!

One Response to “Starcatcher the NEXT iteration”

  1. GBGames Says:

    Wow, those are stars! B-)

    It actually feels a lot more fun than before, although I couldn’t quite get the hang of the mouse. It seemed too jerky, or maybe I was accidentally using the keys at the same time.