Adventures in Time Managment!

Okay really i’m kidding, i’m just talking about the Thousander Club.  Since I sort of quit, I decided to re-affirm my goals with relation to this.  I said sometime back, that after talking with a friend, really the thousander club should be about getting good at something specific.  You know all that stuff, like 100 hours you’re fairly expert, and 1000 hours you’re an experienced expert, and 10k you’re a master.  That stuff about practice, that to become that you need to practice it this many times.  I thought of that, and I thought well what do I want to really get good at?

Well I have a number of things, one of them has to do with movies.  I’ve been in love with movies ever since I was 10 and got to see the original “Back to the Future” - I’ve been wanting to do stuff having to do with making movies, but it’s never quite worked out (for a number of reasons I won’t go into here).  Now that we have the computer technology to make movies ourselves, I thought what a great way to build experience in say editing, is to take a favorite movie and compress it’s time, and still keep all the major plotlines and keep out plot holes.  I mean you could figure out what really needs to be in there to tell a story within the given time frame.

Originally I had wanted to take a 2 hour movie and compress it to about 12-15 minutes.  Of course it would be a challenge.  Then ever since the Lord of the Rings movies came out, I wanted to see if you could take the extended versions and compress them into a 2 hour movie.  Sure a daunting challenge, but what a challenge, I mean if you could actually pull it off.  And thus I had started already.  So I figure 1000 hours of this (editing i mean) would make me somewhat experienced on movie editing.

So now back to the thousander club.  I figure this would be great because it’s learning something specific - how to edit movies.  Of course I wouldn’t be able to get to 1000 hours immediately, but then again these are lifelong endevours, however, I would probably do something else once that 1000 hours was up.  So that’s it, video editing, 1000 hours worth, and I won’t count anything i’ve done previously towards my hours.  In fact i’m onlyh planning on getting 10 hours a week done, that’s 40 hours a month.  That’s only 480 hours for a year.  Two years = 960 awful close to 1000.  I think I could squeeze in a few extra hours for an even 1000, but this doesn’t matter.  2 years at 2 hours a night 5 days a week should do nicely.  Then if I feel I have extra time or want to put in extra hours I can do so.

So that’s the gist of it, 2 hours a night starting tonight of video editing.  By the time my 1000 hours are up I should be well on my way to being expert!


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