Jack is back!

Okay so my name’s not Jack, it just sounds so cool ;-)

In any case, i’m still working on that mysterious phone game and now a pc port of it, so whenever it gets released i’ll be posting info about it (hopefully soon but not at least for some other months).

I’m working on my own game called “Starcatcher”.

The premise is you’re chased by an evil alien race called the Kreig, and you only have enough fuel to jump into hyperspace, so you do that, but now you’re stuck in a worm hole.  You need to find a way to get some energy to convert to fuel, but where?  Lucky for you there are stars trapped in the wormhole with you.  These little balls of gas and fire are just bundles of energy.  So what you need is a starcatcher.  After converting a few things for energy collection you start.

The controls will be fairly easy, asteroids style.  Forward to thrust, left/right to rotate, back to break, and spacebar to fire.  But you’re not firing weapons you’re firing up the catcher. The catcher is tethered to your ship.  However once you create an electromagnetic field by starting up the catcher, the stars are attracted to it (Hey so what if this is pseudo-science, it just has to sound ok).  You must be sure not to get touched by a star otherwise you’re toast… literally!  Now you can collect as many stars as you like, but make sure your catcher doesn’t overload with energy causing a chain reaction destroying your ship. Sound like fine? great!

Well here’s a screenshot of the very pre-pre-pre-alpha nothing much to look at:

Graphical goodness ;-)

Well there you have it, amazing no?  Actually there’s not much to do here, and even less to see as you can plainly see.  Right now that white rectangle represents the ship.  That red line represents the angle.  That blue rectangle is it’s own worse entity (harhar, bad pun i know), i mean to say it’s its own entity.  Although it’s moving along with the ship.  This is because it will be starting out at the same location.  You’ll press a button and that blue block will come out.  And then all you have to do is maneuver to catch the stars.

I’m also thinking of full on mouse control, which may deprecate the keyboard controls, but we’ll wait and see.

If you’re wondering about Enchanted Lands or Hypno-Joe, i’ll be working on those shortly.  I’ve just been rather busy lately.  Hopefully I can make some decent progress soon.


2 Responses to “Jack is back!”

  1. GBGames Says:

    Seems like a pretty cool concept. Presumably there will be things like momentum to take into account?

    Also, while in a wormhole, do you still need to deal with the Kreig, or was it just an explanation for how you ended up in a wormhole?

  2. Uhfgood Says:

    Just how you ended up in the wormhole :-) I haven’t really thought that far ahead yet though.

    I’m still working out some issues, such as the fact I can’t press 3 keys at the same time (not sure if it’s just keyboard compatibility or my programming), and then like wrapping, currently the catcher (blue square) doesn’t wrap when the tether is fully extended (since it is linked to the player’s position, it must wait for the player - white square - to wrap around).

    Then I have to consider what the gameplay will be like *should* it wrap around like asteroids, or should I make it a scrolling enviroment. Or should maybe I constrain it only on certain sides. I guess these decisions have to be made up as they’re prototyped.