Thousander Club Update

Yeah yeah, I know that’s all i’m doing lately. Trying to get this project done. Don’t know if i’m going to postpone the others to finish this quicker, but this week i’m at least doing 10 hours a week. So for my first day 10 hours bringing my grand total to 68 hours out of 1000.

I’m trying to work up to workaholic :-)


As an update I got more than 2 hours in, however i’m keeping it at 2 hours because I didn’t plan to spend longer.  So the new total is below.



2 Responses to “Thousander Club Update”

  1. Scott Hsu-Storaker Says:

    Oh man, you just passed me. I should pull over to the right lane.

  2. Uhfgood Says:

    I got in another 8 hours today. Only 8 and not 10 or 12 though. This is mostly on one of the contract jobs. It’s sort of big in a way. The more time I put into it though, the sooner it gets done. The point being that I can put more time in my own projects.  By the way don’t feel too bad, because i’m assuming you have a day job.  I should be required to put in more time, maybe I should aim for 2000 hours this year just because I have the time right now.