Thousander Club update

7 hours, for a total of 41/1000

I’ve decided not to count 7+ hours as part of the 9-5 experiment. I can’t seem to do it, however i’ll continue trying. Only when I specifically try to work within my alotted time will I coun’t the 9-5 experiment day. I just figured I shouldn’t post every time i reach 7 hours because it was more like happenstance than any concious effort . So I will wait to report on the experiment then, but still report my total hours here.

4 Responses to “Thousander Club update”

  1. Scott Hsu-Storaker Says:

    Oh man,
    You’re catching up. Keep it up.

  2. Uhfgood Says:

    heh, sorry don’t read that as 41/100 (ala the 100-hour challenge) 41 hours out of 1000 — I just now caught and fixed the error.

    But thanks for the vote of confidence :-)


  3. Scott Hsu-Storaker Says:

    I think that, as a group, we are almost at 300 hours total and there’s a couple more people that may be starting soon. Man, if we could just bottle all this energy we could power a city.

  4. Uhfgood Says:

    It’s called “distributed computing” ;-) Only we haven’t done it for humans yet :-)
