A new one.

I decided to redo it, to make him a little taller… it looks okay but there’s a part that looks like it’s jerking and i’m not sure why.

I could possibly fix that first one, but I decided after reading some of the Animator’s Survival Kit by Richard Williams that I’d have a try at a walk cycle his way. Only this one looks almost like a double bounce walk. Not really what I intended, but amusing none-the-less. I guess I’ll have to go back to the drawing board yet again.

Edit Tuesday October 23, 2007 –
I tried again… that’s the third guy (the one on the right)… I think i’ve nailed the legs, well maybe, now that I look at it, it looks a bit funny. The arms were a bit rushed because i wanted to get it done within the time i was awake. So do you think I should go on to the next direction or redo this?

3rd try


One Response to “A new one.”

  1. GBGames Says:

    It’s looking good. The only thing I could say about the arm is that it bends backwards funny. Otherwise, I think you got walking animations nailed. B-)