Back up for a bit.
Apparently there were some issues on my host that caused the whole web server to be taken down. From what I understand they’re going to upgrade stuff. But the admin was kind enough to put my blog back up temporarily.
In any case as far as my game goes. I was putting in extra hours which I had counted 6 so far. But I didn’t feel I was making any progress yesterday because I was simply rewriting the same text. At one time I thought it was novel to write the bios (or rather a limited backstory up to what happens in the game) in their own words. But I found out that rewriting these wasn’t very fun. I did create two new characters, and got the bio down for one of them. I should have wrote down their bios in point form so it could quickly be used for making the game, but I didn’t I did this. So i’ve opted to cheat a little, and not include most of those hours. I could probably count 1 for the new bios maybe, i’ll have to see when i’m done.
You’ll get the idea of the characters later when I actually post about the game.
May 9th, 2007 at 11:22 pm
Thats good news! Hosts can be difficult at times. Cant wait to hear about the new characters.
May 11th, 2007 at 8:10 am
I can’t wait to hear about this progress.
June 5th, 2007 at 11:01 am
So post about the game so I can get the idea of the characters! B-)